HeidelbergCement Publishes Group Sustainability Report

HeidelbergCement published its eighth Sustainability Report, which focuses on targets, measures and achievements of the company’s sustainability management.

“Sustainable business practices are an integral component of our business activities and therefore a central task of our local management teams. The important thing is to minimize the impact of our operations on the local environment, and to utilize our core competencies in a way that contributes to the society at large and generates economic opportunities,” said Dr. Bernd Scheifele, CEO of HeidelbergCement. “With this report, we transparently present our sustainability achievements and targets – and thereby make our performance understandable to our stakeholders.”

The health and safety of its employees is central to the company’s sustainability ambitions. In 2016, HeidelbergCement was able to reduce the accident frequency rate as well as the severity rate. “HeidelbergCement will continue to invest in trainings and awareness campaigns for occupational safety in order to reduce accidents to a minimum. Moreover, we will give the adherence to group-wide safety standards the highest priority,” said Scheifele.

Climate protection and the reduction of CO2 emissions remained another focus of sustainability management in 2016. For instance, specific net carbon dioxide emissions were reduced by 22.6 percent (compared to 1990 levels) to 598 kg per metric ton of cement. This was partly due to a significant increase of the use of alternative fuels at a number of plants.

“The numbers show that HeidelbergCement made progress in 2016,” said Scheifele. “We aim to further decrease our CO2 emissions. Therefore, we are conducting intensive research in future-oriented technologies to use CO2 as a resource.”

At HeidelbergCement, corporate responsibility for the environment and society is not limited to its own production processes, but also encompasses the supply chain. Group-wide procurement guidelines, therefore, provide clear instructions regarding supplier relationships and procurement activities. In 2016, HeidelbergCement made significant progress regarding the systematic management and assessment of its suppliers. An online platform, which has already been introduced in several countries, will simplify the systematic recording and consolidation of supplier data as well as its assessment in accordance with selected sustainability aspects.

The Sustainability Report 2016 was prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI G4).

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